
Get to know the following commands. Play around with your Docker environment and try out all the commands.

# Tag an image

Create an image and give a name to it. Name is a group of images and tag further specifies the application.

docker build -t name:tag .

For example:

docker build -t helloworld
docker build -t helloworld:latest
docker build -t helloworld:v3

The tag latest will be added as a default if you don’t specify a tag yourself.

# Give a container a name

docker run -p 3000:80 -d --rm --name helloworldcontainer helloworld

-p … Port forwarding -d … detached –rm remove the container after it is stopped –name give the container a name

# Managing images and containers

# list running containers
docker ps
# list running and stopped containers
docker ps -a
# stop a running container
docker stop id_or_name
# remove a stopped container
docker rm id_or_name
# remove an image
docker rmi id
# remove all unused images (images where no container is running)
docker image prune
# automatically remove a running container when it exits
docker run --rm some_image
# see information about image
docker image inspect id