# Linq
Language Integrated Query
# Linq - Basics
Linq allows querying data that are available in various different formats using a unified querying model.
We might query data in one of the following representations:
- Relational data using SQL
- In-Memory Data as object graphs
- XML documents
- …
Linq uses a declarative programming paradigm. You define what you want, not how to get there.
# Linq - Basics (2)
A Linq Query consists of 3 steps:
- Define a data source
- Create a query
- Execute the query
# Linq - Data Source
Linq heavily build on the IEnumerable and IQueryable interfaces. Whenever a data source implements one of these interfaces, Linq can be used to query the data behind it.
IEnumerable - return element after element IQueryable - more powerful: allows to query & return element after element
If a datasource doesn’t offer one of these interfaces, the data must be loaded into memory (e.g. into a List, Array, or similar that implements IEnumerable) to be able to query it.
# Linq - Data Source (2)
// Step 1 - Define data source
List<Product> products = new List<Product> {
new Product("Coke", categoryId: 0),
new Product("Tea", categoryId: 0),
new Product("Apple", categoryId: 1)
# Linq - Create a query
Linq offers 2 different ways of creating a query
- Query Expressions
- Method Syntax
# Query Expressions
Query expressions look similar to SQL statements. These expressions are built into the C# language and converted by the compiler to method calls.
var query =
from product in products
join category in categories on
product.CategoryId equals category.Id
// anonym class - creates new objects
select new {
CategoryName = category.CategoryName,
Name = product.Name
# Query Expressions (2)
var result
// Datatype var: IEnumerable<string>
# Method syntax
The same query can be defined using regular C# method calls and lambda expressions.
var query = products
p => p.CategoryId,
c => c.Id,
// result selector
(p, c) => new
CategoryName = c.CategoryName,
Name = p.Name
# Linq - Execute the query
Depending on the underlying implementation of the data source, executing the query might mean completely different things.
E.g. when querying data stored in memory (e.g. List<Product>
) it will use C# methods to create the result. When talking to a database using an IQueryable object, an SQL query will be generated instead and executed on the database (that’s called Linq to SQL btw).
When talking to RAM it’s called Linq to Object
# Linq - Executing the query
You can execute a query by enumerating the elements of the IEnumerable interface, for example using a foreach loop, or by calling ToList:
// Execute a query using a loop
foreach (var product in query) {
$"{product.Name} {product.CategoryName}");
// Execute a query using ToList
var result = query.ToList();
# Deferred execution / Lazy evaluation
When defining a Linq query, no operation on the underlying data source will be triggered. We only specify what will happen, once we actually execute the query.
Only by enumerating the query, calling ToList / ToArray, or similar we actually perform the operations specified in the query.
# Selection and Projection
When using a where operation, what we do is actually a selection. We choose which of the available items should be included in the result.
When using a select operation, what we do is actually a projection. We project one representation of data on another representation. For example instead of querying projects, we only query the name for each project.
# Linq - Select ( Projection)
# Linq - Select (Projection) (2)
# Linq - Select (Projection) (3)
For projection you can also use anonymous classes.
IQueryable<Customer> customers = db.GetTable<Customers>();
var namePhoneQuery =
from cust in customers
where cust.City == "London"
select new
Name = cust.Name,
Phone = cust.Phone
// here the SQL query gets generated
foreach (var item in namePhoneQuery) {
Console.WriteLine($"{item.Name}: {item.Phone}");
# Linq - Where (Selection)
We can use the where
clause in Linq to restrict the data we want to return. This is called selection, or filtering.
# Linq - Where (Selection) (2)
IList<Student> studentList = new List<Student>() {
new Student
StudentId = 1,
StudentName = "John",
Age = 13
new Student
StudentId = 2,
StudentName = "Detlef",
Age = 21
# Linq - Where (Selection) (3)
// Query all students whose names have at least 5 characters
var result = from s in studentList
where s.Length >= 5
select s;
// Find all students aged between 13 and 19
var result = from s in studentList
where s.Age <= 19 && s.Age >= 13
select s;
# Linq - Where with delegate
// Func<> - generic delegate-datatype; <inputParameter;returnParameter>
Func<Student, bool> isTeenager =
(Student s) => s.Age <= 19 && s.Age >= 13;
// Find all students aged between 13 and 19
var result = from s in studentList
where isTeenager(s)
select s;
# Linq - From
Use from to define the data source of your query.
var result = from s in studentList
select s.StudentName.Substring(0, 1);
# Linq - OrderBy
Use OrderBy to sort the elements of your query.
// string[] array = [];
string[] words = [
"the", "quick", "brows", "fox", "jumps"
IEnumerable<string> query = from word in words
orderby word.Length
select word;
# Linq - OrderBy (2)
You can also define the order (ascending or descending). If not specified, ascending sorting will be used.
string[] words = [
"the", "quick", "brows", "fox", "jumps"
IEnumerable<string> query = from word in words
orderby word.Length descending
select word;
# Data Aggregation
You can use different forms of join operations with Linq.
from ... in <outerSequence>
join ... in <innerSequence>
on <outerKey> equals <innerKey>
select ...
# Linq - Inner Join
// Step 1: Define a data source
List<Product> products = new List<Product> {
new Product("Apple", 1),
new Product("Coke", 0),
new Product("Tea", 0)
List<Category> categories = new List<Category> {
new Category(0, "Beverage"),
new Category(1, "Fruit"),
new Category(2, "Vegetable")
# Linq - Inner Join (2)
// For all products, find the product name and category name
var result =
from p in products
join c in categories
on p.CategoryId equals c.Id
// anonym type
select new {
CategoryName = c.CategoryName,
Name = p.Name
# Linq - Inner Join - Object Association
// Define a data source
class Person {
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
class Pet {
public string Name { get; set; }
public Person Owner { get; set; }
# Linq - Inner Join - Object Association (2)
// For all pets, find the pet's name and the owner's name
var query =
from p in people
join pet in pets
on p equals pet.Owner
select new {
OwnerName = p.FirstName,
PetName = pet.Name
# Linq - Inner Join - Composite Key
// Define a data source
List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee> {
new Employee(
"Terry", "Adams", 522459
List<Student> students = new List<Student> {
new Student(
"Vernette", "Price", 9562
# Linq - Inner Join - Composite Key (2)
// Define a query
var result =
from e in employees
join s in students
on new {
e.FirstName, e.LastName
equals new {
s.FirstName, s.LastName
select e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName;
# Linq - Inner Join - Multiple Join
// Define a data source
class Person {
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
class Pet {
public string Name { get; set; }
public Person Owner { get; set; }
class Cat : Pet { }
class Dog : Pet { }
# Linq - Inner Join - Multiple Join (2)
// Define a query
var query =
from p in people
join c in cats
on p equals c.Owner
join d in dogs
on new {
Owner = p,
Letter = c.Name.Substr(0, 1)
equals new {
d.Owner, Letter = d.Name.Substr(0, 1)
select new {
CatName = c.Name,
DogName = d.Name
# Linq - Partitioning
Partitioning operators are used to partition the result of a query.
# Linq - Partitioning (2)
- Operators for Partitioning:
- Skip
- SkipWhile
- Take
- TakeWhile
# Linq - Partitioning (3)
Skip ignores the first n elements.
IEnumerable<string> query = select ... ;
# Linq - Partitioning (4)
SkipWhile ignores elements at the beginning of the data source as long as they fulfil a certain condition.
IEnumerable<string> query = {59, 82, 70, 56, 92};
query.SkipWhile(grade => grade >= 80);
# Linq - Partitioning (5)
Take limits the result to a certain amount of elements.
IEnumerable<string> query = {59, 82, 70, 56, 92};
# Linq - Aggregation
Aggregation Operators can be used to find aggregates of multiple data entries.
# Linq - Aggregation (2)
- Aggregation Operators:
- Min, Max, Average
- Count, Sum
- Aggregate
# Linq - Aggregation (3)
// Compute the sum of the elements of an array
var numbers = new int[] { 4, 56, 2, 5, 43, 5 };
int sum = (from n in numbers).Sum();
// Compute the sum of the elements of an array
var numbers = new int[] { 4, 56, 2, 5, 43, 5 };
int sum = numbers.Sum();
# Linq - Aggregation (4)
// Compute the sum of the elements of an array
var numbers = new int[] { 4, 5, 3, 9 }j
int sum = numbers.Aggregate(
(result, item) => result + item
# Linq - Aggregation (5)
# Linq - Grouping
Use tho group clause to group data.
# Linq - Grouping (2)
List<int> numbers = new List<int> {
35, 44, 200, 84, 3987, 4, 199, 446
// Group the list of numbers into even and odd numbers
IEnumerable<IGrouping<int, int>> query =
from n in numbers group n by n % 2;
List<int> numbers = new List<int> {
35, 44, 200, 84, 3987, 4, 199, 446
// Group the list of numbers into even and odd numbers
// IGrouping<KEY, Datatype>
IEnumerable<IGrouping<int, int>> query =
numbers.GroupBy(n => n % 2);
# Linq - Grouping (3)
foreach (var group in query) {
group.Key == 0
? "Even numbers"
: "Odd numbers")
foreach (var i in group) {
# Linq - Grouping (4)
List<Student> students = new List<Student> {
new {
"Terry", "Adams", 120, GradeLevel.SecondYear
new {
"Fadi", "Fakhouri", 120, GradeLevel.ThirdYear
# Linq - Grouping (5)
Group elements by a single property.
var lastNames =
from s in students
group s by s.LastName
into newGroup // grouped data
orderby newGroup.Key
select newGroup;
var lastNames = students
.GroupBy(s => s.LastName)
.OrderBy(g => g.Key);
# Linq - Grouping (6)
Group elements by a derived value.
var groupResults =
from s in students
group s by s.LastName[0]
var groupResults = students
.GroupBy(s => s.LastName[0]);
foreach (var studentGroup in groupResults) {
foreach (var s in studentGroup) {
$"{s.LastName} {s.FirstName}"
# Linq - Grouping (7)
var query =
from s in students
group s by new {
FirstLetter = s.LastName[0],
Score = s.ExamScore > 85
into studentGroup // grouped data
orderby studentGroup.Key.FirstLetter
select studentGroup;
var query = students
.GroupBy(s => new {
FirstLetter = s.LastName[0],
Score = s.ExamScore > 85
.OrderBy(g => g.Key.FirstLetter);
# Linq - Group and Filter
var query =
from s in students
group s by new {
FirstLetter = s.LastName[0],
Score = s.ExamScore > 85
into studentGroup
where studentGroup.Count() > 3
select studentGroup
var query = students
.GroupBy(s => new {
FirstLetter = s.LastName[0],
Score = s.ExamScore > 85
.Where(g => g.Count() > 3)
.OrderBy(g => g.Key.FirstLetter);
# Linq - Min, Max, Average
var players = new List<Player> {
new Player(name: "Alex", team: "A", score: 10),
new Player(name: "Anna", team: "A", score: 20),
new Player(name: "Luke", team: "L", score: 60),
new Player(name: "Lucy", team: "L", score: 40)
# Linq - Min, Max, Average (2)
var scores =
from p in players
group p by p.Team into playerGroup
select new {
Team = playerGroup.Key,
TotalScore = playerGroup.Sum(
x => x.Score
var scores = players
.GroupBy(p => p.Team)
.Select(g => new {
Team = playerGroup.Key,
TotalScore = g.Sum(x => x.Score)
# Linq - Set Operations
To further specify the data source of a query you can use set operations such as:
- Distinct
- Except
- Intersect
- Union
# Linq - Distinct
The Distinct method removes duplicates from the data source.
# Linq - Distinct (2)
string[] planets = {
"Mercury", "Venus", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars", "Earth"
var query =
from planet in planets.Distinct()
select planet;
var query = planets.Distinct();
# Linq - Except
# Linq - Except (2)
string[] planets1 = {
"Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Jupiter"
string[] planets2 = {
"Mercury", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter"
var query =
from planet in planets1.Except(planets2)
select planet;
var query = planets1.Except(planets2);
# Linq - Intersect
Intersect finds elements that appear in both data sources.
# Linq - Intersect (2)
string[] planets1 = {
"Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Jupiter"
string[] planets2 = {
"Mercury", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter"
var query =
from planet in planets1.Intersect(planets2)
select planet;
var query = planets1.Intersect(planets2);
# Linq - Union
Union combines two data sources to one, including all elements from both collections.
Union will also remove duplicates as long as the items can be compared using the overriden Equals
method or an comparer object that implements the IEquatable<T>
# Linq - Union (2)
string[] planets1 = {
"Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Jupiter"
string[] planets2 = {
"Mercury", "Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter"
var query =
from planet in planets1.Union(planets2)
select planet;
var query = planets1.Union(planets2);
# Linq - Quantifiers
Quantifiers classify a set of values. The return value of a quantifier is a boolean value.
- Operators:
- All
- Any
- Contains
# Linq - All
The All quantifier checks, whether each and everyone of the elements of a data source fulfils a condition.
List<Market> markets = new List<Market> {
new Market {
Name = "Emiliy",
Items = new string[]{"kiwi", "cherry", "banana"}
new Market {
Name = "Kim",
Items = new string[]{"melon", "mango", "olive"}
# Linq - All (2)
// Which market only offers fruits
// of which the name is at least 5 characters long
var query =
from m in markets
where m.Items.All(item => item.Length >= 5)
select m.Name;
var query = markets
.Where(m => m.Items.All(item => item.Length >= 5));
# Linq - Any
The Any quantifier checks, whether at least one element fulfils a condition.
// Which market sells at least one kind of fruit
// that starts with the letter o.
var query =
from m in markets
where m.Items.Any(item => item.StartsWith("o"))
select m.Name;
var query = markets
.Where(m => m.Items.Any(item => item.StartsWith("o")));
# Linq - Contains
The Contains quantifier checks whether a certain element exists in the data source.
// Which market sells at least one fruit that starts with o
var query =
from m in markets
where m.Items.Contains("kiwi")
select m.Name;
var query f markets
.Where(m => m.Items.Contains("kiwi"));
# Linq - Subqueries
Subqueries are queries that are embedded into other queries.
var players = new List<Player> {
new Player(name: "Alex", team: "A", score: 10),
new Player(name: "Anna", team: "A", score: 20),
new Player(name: "Luke", team: "L", score: 60),
new Player(name: "Lucy", team: "L", score: 40)
# Linq - Subqueries (2)
// Which players got the most points?
var query =
from p in players
where p.Points ==
// same as FROM Points p1 in ... SELECT p1.Points
(from p1.Points in players).Max()
select p;
var query = players
.Where(p => p.Points == players.Max(p1 => p1.Points));