
# What is NLP

Natural Language Processing

  • Subfield of @AI

NLP is used that computers understand unstructured text

  • because humans don’t communicate with numbers, …

# (un)strutured files


# Components of NLP

a. Lexical Analysisdivide chunk of text into paragraphs, sentences, words
b. Syntactic AnalysisExamines grammar, arranging words to show relationships
c. Semantic AnalysisInterprets word meaning; checks text meaningfulness
d. Discourse Analysisconsiders sentence context; references within the text
e. Pragmatic AnalysisFocusses on overall language communication & interpretation in various situations

# Use Cases - NLP

  • Machine Translation
  • Speech Recognition
  • Sentiment Analysis - customer emotions
  • Chatbot
  • Intelligent System
  • Text Classification

# Types of NLP

NE-RecognitionNamend-Entity Recognitionclassification of proper names”IBM”
WSDWord sense disambiguationcorrect meaning of word - when word has multiple meanings”pen”: 1. a writing implement; 2. female swan; …
POSPart-Of-Speech-Taggingassigns grammatical category (part of speech) to each word”Petra/NE reads/VB a/ART long/ADJ …”
Coreference ResolutionCoreference Resolutiongets pronouns with correct antecedents”I voted for Mayer, because he was most aligned with my values.”