
# What is a function in JS?

it is a reusable block of code/programming statement to perform a certain task. a function can return a value or not.

Declaration for a function:

  • function-key-word + function-name + “(parameter)”

# Why using a Function?

functions are:

  1. clean & easy to read
  2. reusable
  3. easy to test

# Some Ways of Creating a Function

  • Declaration function
  • Expression function
  • Anonymous function
  • Arrow function

# Writing a Function

# Declaration Function

Note (for unlimited number of parameters):

  • a function declaration provides a function scoped arguments array like object. Anything we pass as argument in the function can be accessed from the arguments object inside the function.
// Example: without a parameter -- 4
function square() {
	let num = 2
	let sq = num * num
// Example: function returning a value --  Clemens
function printName(){
	let firstName = 'Clemens'
	let space = ' '
	let printNameNew = space + firstName
	return printNameNew
// This way you can also create function with parameters
// Example: take array is parameter -- 631
function sumArrayValues(arr) {
    let sum = 0;
    for (let index = 0; index < arr.length; index++) {
      sum += arr[index]
const numbers = [1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 111, 11, 40, 444]
// Example: function with unlimited number of parameters -- 10
function sumAllNumbers() {
    let sum = 0;
    for (let index = 0; index < arguments.length; index++) {
        sum += arguments[index]        
    return sum
console.log(sumAllNumbers(1, 2, 3, 4))

# Anonymous Function

Anonymous function/without name

// value is stored in a variable
const anonymousFun = function() {
    'I am an anonymous function and my value is stored in anonymousFun'

# Expression Function

these are anonymous functions. after we create a function without a name and we assign it to a variable. to return value from the function we should call the variable.

const square = function(n) {
	return n * n
console.log(square(2)) // --> 4

# Self Invoking Function

these are anonymous functions. they do not need to be called to return a value.

;(function (n) {
})(2) // --> 4

# Arrow Function

is an alternative to write a function - but there are some minor differences.

  • arrow functions use => instead of keyword function to get declared.
  • after the declaration there is the (a, b, ...) parameterlist.
const square = (n) => {
    return n * n;
console.log(square(4)) // --> 16
// This could also be changed into a one-liner (because we only have one line of code in code-block)
const oneLineSquare = (n) => n * n 
console.log(oneLineSquare(4)) // --> 16
const changeToUpperCase = (arr) => {
    const newArr = [];
    return newArr;
console.log(changeToUpperCase("hello this is an array.")) // --> HELLO THIS IS AN ARRAY.
const printFullName = (fn, ln) => fn + " " + ln
console.log("🚀 ~ printFullName:", printFullName('Clemens', 'Schmid')) // --> Clemens Schmid

# Function with default value

sometimes we pass default values to parameters.

  • when the function gets invoked & we don’t pass an argument, the default value will be used.
function defaultValueFunction(age = 18, birthYear = 2005) {
    return age + " " + birthYear
console.log(defaultValueFunction()) // --> 18 2005
console.log(defaultValueFunction(34, 1990)) // --> 34 1990
const weightOfObject = (mass, gravity = 9.81) => {
    const weight = mass * gravity + " N";
    return weight
console.log("🚀 ~ weightOfObject:", weightOfObject(5)) // --> 49.05000...
console.log("🚀 ~ weightOfObject:", weightOfObject(5, 1.62)) // --> 8.10000...
// Note: 1.62 is the gravity on the moon