# What is GraphQL?
- Yet another communication standard
- Communication language for the web
- Mainly for client ⇔ server
- GraphQL is typically served over HTTP
- Contrary to REST we use a single endpoint
- GraphQL services typically respond using JSON (yet not required by the spec)
# Data model
With GraphQL you think of data as a graph of nodes.
# Query language
GraphQL has its own language to query data
here we get the specific title with the connected amounts.
# Why?
- GraphQL gives power to the client.
- The client can specify what they want exactly for a specific use-case.
- The server needs to be implemented in a way that supports the queries.
- This leads to very targeted queries fetching only the information that is needed.
# Add GraphQL to an ASP.NET Core Web API
Using HotChocolate1
# Add a query
The methods can return any data. We just return an empty list here to get started.
# Register with dependency injection
# Run and verify
Run application and go to route /graphql in the browser.
Create a new document and try out the following query.
Should yield result:
# Add connection to database
- UseProjection: Only selecting specific fields (“projection”)
- UseFiltering: Allows filtering to query
- UseSorting: Allows sorting the results
- Service: Something gets resolved using DI
# Verify again
# Get element by ID
# Add GraphQL to a Blazor WASM Client
Using StrawberryShake2
# Generate client
# Customize namespace
# Write query definition
# Build project
# Register client with dependency injection
# Query data
# Mutations
GraphQL Mutations let you modify data.
You send the data and have control of what you get back.
# Server Implementation
It is recommended to create specific types for adding items (e.g. without ID property).
# Registration
# Update Client
# Add Definition for Mutation
# Build again
# Use client to modify data
# Subscriptions
GraphQL offers an easy way to subscribe to events.
The Server can notify the client of changes via a websocket connection.
# Server Implementation
# Send subscription message in Mutation
# Registration
# Test subscriptions
# Client implementation
# Add subscription definition
Build project to regenerate client afterwards.
# Configuration
# Use subscription in client
Get started with GraphQL in .NET Core ↩︎
Get started with Strawberry Shake and Blazor ↩︎