
AI_Learning Methods IBM-AI_ML_DL-Video Florian-Dalwik_AI_ML_DL-Video

# AI, ML, D

AIArtificial Intelligenceimitate human actions with machines - to solve problems
MLMachine Learninglooks for predictions based on information (data) we have; the more data it has = better prediction
DLDeep Learninguses neural networks (works like human brain) - “deep” = multiple layers of neural networks;

# AI

Is a superset of ML and DL. Includes

  • NLP
  • Vision (beeing able to see things)
  • Text to speech
  • Robotics

# ML

Subfield of AI.

Is an algorithm, that uses statistics & data to learn and predict something.


  • Supervised Learning
    1. Classification
    2. Regression
  • Unsupervised Learning
    1. Clustering
    2. Dimension Reduction
  • Reinforcement Learning

# DL

Subfield of ML.

Neural Networks for representation of predictions.