
# Git

# Reasons to use version control

  • Have a record of whatwhen, whom and why you did something
  • Snapshots of different development states
  • Compare different versions of files
  • Easily share work with others
  • Integrate changes from others (merging)
  • Mark finished product versions (tags)
  • Try out new ideas (branches)
  • Best practice and Industry standard

# Without Version Control


# Glossary

  • Repository
    • Stores complete history, branches, tags (and other meta-information)
  • Working Copy
    • Your “playground”, actual source code
  • Commit / Revision
    • A specific, single version/snapshot
  • Branch
    • A distinct line of development

# Distributed Version Control

  • Every user has a full copy of the repository
  • Repositories can be synchronized (push/fetch)
  • Off-line access



# Git

  • Started in 2005 by Linus Torvalds
  • Used for Linux Kernel development - is still used
  • Highly distributed
  • Cryptographic integrity

# Install & Setup

git config --global 'Norbert Winkler'
git config --global '[email protected]'

# Cheat Sheet

# Creating Repositories

  • Create a new local repository
$ cd path/to/project
$ git init
# or
$ git init new_dir
$ cd new_dir

# Adding files

  • ”staging”
  • Adding new files
  • Current state of the file is recorded
# add a new file foo.txt with contents 'bar'
$ >foo.txt echo 'bar'
git add foo.txt

# Writing history

$ git commit -m "Showcased how to add files to git"

# Updating Files

  • Tell Git about new changes
  • Same thing as adding new files (Git only cares about the content of files)
# add new content to foo.txt
$ >>foo.txt echo 'new content'
$ git add foo.txt
$ git commit -m 'updated file'

# Browsing history

  • Branch “master” == “main”
$ git log
commit 1238062398b6727455abe88e6b789ca041f62ecd (HEAD -> master)
Author: clemens-sch <[email protected]t>
Date:   Thu Jun 20 08:23:22 2024 +0200
    added second line. blablabla
commit 94c02addc225374619b842bca1cc34b5fc6df305
Author: clemens-sch <[email protected]t>
Date:   Thu Jun 20 08:20:27 2024 +0200

# Working copy status

  • Shows list of modified, new and staged files
  • Also reminds you of important commands
$ git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean

# Inspecting changes

  • Show current changes
  • Show differences between commits
  • Show differences between branches
$ git diff
$ git diff HEAD~ HEAD
$ git diff branch1 branch2

# What the fork?

  • Try out new features
  • In an ideal world: one branch per feature
  • Branches are cheap, use them often
  • Branches can be deleted
# create and switch to new branch
$ git branch newbranch
$ git checkout newbranch
# list branches (star marks active branch)
$ git branch
* newbranch

# Merging changes

  • Integrate changes from a branch
  • Integrate changes from others
# Checkout the branch you want the changes to merge into
$ git checkout main
# merge changes from other branch
$ git merge newbranch

# Merge conflicts

  • Merges don’t always go well
  • Git inserts conflict markers into conflicting files
  • git status tells you the current state
  • Remove conflicts and add that state of the file with git add
$ git diff
diff --cc foo.txt

<<<<<<< HEAD
current content
branch content
>>>>>>> newbranch
# manually resolve conflict
$ vim foo.txt
# add new state to git
$ git add foo
$ git commit

# Forking existing projects

  • Get a copy of the repository
  • fetch + merge to update your copy
$ git clone git
$ cd git
# ...
$ git fetch
$ git merge origin/branch

# Syncing changes

  • Fetch downloads the latest changes from the remote repository
  • With merge you can merge these changes with your local branch
  • pull is a shortcut for fetch + merge
  • push uploads your local changes to the remote repository
$ git pull
# make changes and commit them ...
# afterwards:
$ git push