Definitions API_Exercise-Minimal-APIs_StarWars

# What?

Minimal APIs is one of the available programming models offered by Microsoft to create RESTful APIs in .NET.

The other mainly used programming model is using controllers.

# Comparison

ControllersMinimal APIs
StructureClasses (controllers) and class methods (actions)Functions (any lambda or method)
ConfigurationBasic setup in startup. Main configuration through attributes (declarative)Method calls, slight use of attributes
FocusClear structure. Widely understood.Flexible, little code needed

# Quick reference

more details:

# A first look

Rider>new Solution> ASP.NET Core Web…>Type: Empty>

dotnet new web -o MyMinimalApi

will give you a minimalistic dotnet solution, with one project containing one Program.cs that looks like this:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();
app.MapGet("/", () => "Hello World!");
// this will give back a string: "Hello World!"

You can run the project by using an IDE like Visual Studio, VS Code or Rider, or by using the command line:

dotnet run

# Specifying routes

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();
// this example is not RESTful
app.MapGet("/", () => "This is a GET");
app.MapPost("/", () => "This is a POST");
app.MapPut("/", () => "This is a PUT");
app.MapDelete("/", () => "This is a DELETE");

# Route handlers

A route handler () is what is being called, whenever a route matches the incoming request.

Route handlers can be a lambda expression, a local function, an instance method or a static method.

Route handlers can be synchronous or asynchronous.

# Route handlers (2)

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();
app.MapGet("/inline", () => "This is an inline lambda");
var handler = () => "This is a lambda variable";
app.MapGet("/lambdaVariable", handler);
string LocalFunction() => "This is local function";
app.MapGet("/localFunction", LocalFunction);
var handler = new HelloHandler();
app.MapGet("/instanceMethod", handler.Hello);
app.MapGet("/staticMethod", HelloHandler.HelloStatic);
class HelloHandler
	public string Hello()
		return "Hello Instance method";
	public static string HelloStatic()
		return "Hello static method";

# Structuring Minimal API projects

When Minimal API projects get larger it might be wise to structure them. They don’t have to be defined in Program.cs.

# Structuring Example

You can write a Class for your endpoints

  • In this example “TodoEndpoints” contains a Map() method
using MinAPISeparateFile;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();
namespace MinAPISeparateFile;
public static class TodoEndpoints
    public static void Map(WebApplication app)
        app.MapGet("/", () 
	        => "get all todo items");
        app.MapGet("/{id}", (int id)
	        => $"get todo item {id}");

# Route parameters

You can use a route pattern to specify parameters that are passed in as part of the URL

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();
	(int userId, int bookId) => 
		$"The user id is {userId} and book id is {bookId}");

# Route constraints

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();
	(int id) => db.Todos.Find(id));
	(string text) => 
		db.Todos.Where(t => t.Text.Contains(text));
	(string slug) => $"Post {slug}");

# Parameter binding

Parameter binding is the process of converting request data into strongly typed parameters that are expressed by route handlers.

  • Supported binding sources:
    • Route values
    • Query string [?key = value]
    • Header
    • Body (as JSON)
    • Form values
    • Services provided by dependency injection

# Parameter binding example

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Added as service
var app = builder.Build();
app.MapGet("/{id}", (int id, // route
                     int page, // query param
                     [FromHeader(Name = "X-CUSTOM-HEADER")] 
                     string customHeader, // header
                     Service service) => { }); // service
class Service { }

# Explicit parameter binding

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();
app.MapGet("/{id}", ([FromRoute] int id,
                     [FromQuery(Name = "p")] int page,
                     [FromServices] Service service,
                     [FromHeader(Name = "Content-Type")] 
                     string contentType) 
                     => {});
class Service { }
record Person(string Name, int Age);

# Responses

Route handlers support the following types of return values:

Result TypeBehavior
IResult basedFramework calls IResult.ExecuteAsync
stringFramework writes string directly to response
T (Any other type)Framework JSON-serializes the response