Definitions API_Minimal-APIs


To interact between two applications. Allows other programs or application to use functionality that you expose:

  • Functions
  • Protocols
  • Objects

# Weather Data Example




HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
  "product": "civil",
	"init": "2023070206",
	"dataseries": [
			"cloudcover": 7,
			"temp2m": 21,
			"rh2m": "63%",
			"wind10m": {
			"direction": "W",
			"speed": 3

# API Keys

  • like username + password
  • prevent from DDOS-attacks (spam, overloading)

# API Use-Cases

  • Frontend - Backend Communication
  • Component Communication
    • e.g. One Service calls another service
  • DaaS Desktop As A Service
    • Cloud computing - access desktop (virtual desktop) over internet

# Frontend-Backend

Using APIs, you can link any software parts, potentially using different technologies, as long as they support the same protocol.

# Component Communication

Communication between elements = APIs (arrows)

# Protocols

Through OSI-Model. There are several common protocols used in APIs.

# Attributes of protocols

Protocols …

  • allow exchange of messages and information between 2 processes.
    • Processes don’t need to be on the same physical machine. Can be distributed and communicate over network.
  • are open to any technology or programming language.
  • have a clear specification.

# API-Programs

# Postman

open-source API platform for building & using APIs