Software-Engineering Learn FlexBox
# display: flex ?
when we allign display: flex
to an element - there will be 2 axis
- main-axis (x-axis) - default: horizontal
- cross-axis (y-axis)
# justify-content
align items on main-axis (x-axis)
- flex-start (default): align items to left side of container
- flex-end: align items to right side of container
- center: align items to center of container
- space-between: display items with equal spacing between them
- space-around: display items with equal spacing around them
- space-evenly: display items with equal spacing between & around them
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-start;
# align-items
align items on cross-axis (y-axis)
- flex-start: align items to top of container
- aligns items at start of cross-axis (y-axis)
- flex-end: align items to bottom of container
- center: align items at vertical center of container
- baseline: display items at baseline of container
- stretch (default): stretch items to fit container
display: flex;
align-items: center;
# flex-direction
defines direction items are placed in container
- row (default): placed the same as text direction
- positioned at x-axis
- row-reverse: placed opposite to text direction
- column: placed top to bottom
- column-reverse: placed bottom to top
Important: If flex-direction is a column - justify-content
changes vertically & align-items
aligns horizontally
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
# flex-flow
a shorthand for flex-direction
& flex-wrap
- because these two are combined often
- flex-flow: row wrap
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
# flex-wrap + align-content
when we have many items: they should not be displayed only in one line - cause of this the items are displayed very small
to fix this issue we use flex-wrap
- nowrap (default): items are all displayed in one line
- wrap: when there is no more space available, items are displayed in next line
- this unlocks
property - align-content: items can be alligned at the cross-axis (y-axis)
- gap: items get a specific gap between them
- this unlocks
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
align-content: flex-start;
gap: 2vh;
# flex
combines flex-grow
& flex-shrink
& flex-basis
- is the shorthand for these properties If you set one value, it will automatically assign the values for the other properties
display: flex;
flex: 1;
# flex-grow
allows an item to grow, if there is enough space
display: flex;
flex-grow: 1;
# flex-shrink
defines how fast one item shrinks in comparison to the others
- flex-shrink: 5 - the item shrinks much faster than others
- flex-shrink: 0 - is not allowed to shrink
display: flex;
flex-shrink: 5;
# flex-basis
defines the size of the item, before the space is distributed
- if the item already has a size - but we want to override this size
display: flex;
flex-basis: 300px;
# align-self
overrides the value you set in the parent-container for an induvidual item
display: flex;
align-self: center;