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# Perceptron / Neural Network

They form the base of Deep-Learning (subfield of ML)

Algorithms are inspired by human brain. Neural Networks take data - train themselfes - predict the output.

  • Recognizing patterns, solving common problems NN rely on their traning data.

NN layers:

  • input layer - takes input data
  • hidden layer - perform computation
  • output layer - predicts final output

Each neuron (node):

  • represents an individual linear regression model
  • is connected to neurons of next layer (through channels - each channel has numerical value - “weight”)
  • has an input-data, weight, bias, output

# Weight, Bias

Weights are values that represent the strength of connections between neurons in layers of NN. You can say, that the weight represents the intelligence of a neural network.

Biases are constants added to influence the activation function of each neuron.

# Feed Forward

Forward Propagation = Feed Forward

Passing input data through the network in forward direction

  • input layer - hidden layer - output layer
  • without any adjustments being made

# Backward Propagation

Backpropagation = Backward Propagation

Takes output data and goes steps back. It helps learning from its mistakes by adjusting parameters (weights, biases), based on errors when making predictions

  • repeated & repeated until network gets better at tasks

# Use-Cases

  • Face recognition
  • Forecasting
  • Music composition

# Example: Predict Shape

Let’s take an example. The neural network should differentiate between a square, circle, triangle.

At first, we differentiate the image in 28x28 pixels. Each pixel gets their own neuron. Then we multiply the neuron-value with their weight & sum their values up.

  • After, we add their BIAS

Now we activate the values (using activation function). An activated neuron transmits data to the next layer over channels (= “Forward Propagation”).

In the end, we multiply & sum & … till we get the output.

In this example, we have a wrong prediction. So we gonna use Backward Propagation.