
# AI-Landscape - AT

AI-Landscape - Austria (

  • they group companys into categories
    • Big Data & Enablers (massive amounts of Data (OracleDB))
    • EdgeAI
    • GreenTech & CleanTech

# Austria’s AIM AT 2030: Transforming Society with AI

full article:

Opportunities and Benefits of AI:

  • AI has the potential to transform various societal areas.
  • Personalization of services, process optimization, and resource management are enhanced.
  • Offers competitive advantages for businesses.
  • Supports socially and ecologically necessary transformation processes.

Challenges of AI:

  • Need for a secure framework covering fundamental rights (data protection, equality, non-discrimination).

Objectives of Austrian AI Strategy (AIM AT 2030):

  1. respecting fundamental & human rights
  2. Position Austria - key research & innovation location for AI
  3. Enhance competitiveness of Austrian technology & business sector through AI

Basic Principles & Measures:

  • Based on EU’s Rules
  • Define principles & measurements for a functioning AI ecosystem

Fields of Action and AI Application Areas:

  • Involves > 160 experts from various disciplines.
  • Covers sectors such as industry, climate protection, agriculture, energy, health, education, law, and culture.

Ongoing Development and Flexibility:

  • Agile strategy open to changes, additions, and clarifications.
  • Emphasis on continuous learning and evolution in response to implementation experiences.

Key AI Application Fields:

  • Climate change mitigation
  • Digitalized energy systems
  • Agriculture
  • City and energy space planning
  • Material goods industry, building sector, healthcare, arts, media, and education, …

Note: The AIM AT 2030 strategy is dynamic and subject to ongoing development due to the fast-paced nature of AI technologies.