

# How an AI Learns

There are several forms an AI can learn

Supervised LearningLearning with labeled data;
predicting outcomes based on known examples (e.g., image classification, spam detection).
Image classification
Unsupervised LearningLearning without labeled data;
finding patterns and structure in data (e.g., clustering, dimensionality reduction).
Recommendation System
Reinforcement LearningLearning through rewarding feedbackRoboter
Generative AiLearning through statistics - finds dataChatGPT

# Breakdown

# Supervised-Learning

while creating this ML model - there is a supervision training & feedback

several phases

  • training phase - feed the ml-system with data
  • model is trained with data
  • learning takes place through epochs (learns a bit feedback improves for next time)

# Example

Dad teaches child how to swim in pool. The child learns to swim gradually after many sessions based on regular feedback from his dad.

# Unsupervised-Learning

no supervision for this ML model


  • no trainings
  • model is fed with data - has to learn & find patterns/realtionships by itself

# Example

There is no dad to supervise here. The child simply jumps into the pool and has to learn swimming on its own.

# Supervised- vs Unsupervised- Learning

Supervised model

  • data has output label
  • learns mapping between input & output
    • based on feedback

Unsupervised Training

  • data has no output label
  • model learns pattern/relationship without any feedback

# Example

# Sub-Categories

Supervised Learning

2 main subcategories

  • Regression
  • Classification

Unsupervised Learning

3 main subcategories

  • Clustering

  • Association Rule Mining
  • Dimension Reduction

# Breakdown